Sign up for 50 Free WCX Tokens (WCXT) equal to 5 USD
What are WCX Tokens (WCXT)?
As a holder of WCX Tokens, you’re entitled to a portion of WCX’s revenue. 20% of all revenue generated by WCX is automatically paid out to token holders, in amounts based on each holder’s share of the total amount of tokens. As an exchange, WCX collects fees in many digital currencies. That means that holding WCXT is equivalent to holding a passive income portfolio of diverse digital currencies.
- Beta Launch. 9.1.17
- ICO. 10.1.17
- Launch. 10.10.17
- Mobile Apps. Jan 2018
- Margin Trading. Mar 2018
- Fiat Integration. Q2 2018
- Wallet Decentralization. Q3 2018
Existing exchanges are costly and inefficient
50 Free WCX Tokens WCXT
And they’re not built to cater to a global audience. Complaints from customers including trading execution lag, long delays in dealing with customer support, and loss of funds are rampant. Value to the customer is low and existing platforms are being used for lack of good alternatives. There’s considerable demand for global, compliant, and professionally-built exchanges that can move the industry forward in terms of performance, stability, and low costs.
Tiny fees for everyone
WCX offers an enviable cost advantage. Just 0.1% net per transaction, and you get paid, not charged a fee, if you’re a maker. WCX was built differently from the ground up to make sure we stay focused on keeping your costs low. The less you pay, the more you keep. Over time, more money stays in your pocket.
A compelling value proposition
Tiny Fees + Superior User Experience. On WCX, you get the best of both worlds: industry-leading low costs coupled with incredible performance. As WCX volume grows, the value we provide to customers increases, creating supply and demand network effects that are mutually reinforcing.
Superior user experience
Streamlined design. Advanced engineering. Robust features. The ultimate form and function: WCX puts everything you need to trade inside one simple and intuitive dashboard. WCX’s trading dashboard is engineered for stability and filled with all-new technologies that take power and performance to a whole new level – all while feeling instantly familiar. The interface is fast, fluid, and easy-to-use, designed to work across devices with remarkable fidelity. It makes trading on WCX a breeze. Highly-performant charts that cater to both beginner and advanced traders can be customized with over 300 indicators. At launch, WCX will support trading for BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, XMR, and USDT, with more products and markets planned post-launch
Sign up for 50 Free WCX Tokens (WCXT) equal to 5 USD
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